Toenail/Fingernail Removal

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Toe-nail /Fingernail Removal

  • Overview
  • Aftercare Instructions
  • Discharge Care
  • in patient Care
  • Precare
  • En Español

WHAT YOU will need TO KNOW:

What do I want to know about toenail or fingernail removal?

You may want to have all or any part of one`s nail removed. Nail removal decrease ingrown nail pain may prevent illness, and help the nail heal in the accident.

Which would be the dangers of toenail or fingernail removal?

  • You will bleed more than expected after your nail has been removed. Finger or your toe may become red, swollen, or painful. You may possibly have discoloration or fluid which drains from the incision site. Chemicals, capsules, or electrosurgery may burn skin. It may be disfigured if a nail grows back. Your symptoms may return.
  • Without treatment, your finger or toe may become painful, swollen, and infected. You may not be able to complete your normal activities. It might make it difficult to walk. Your nail may be made by an infection in your finger or toe thick, rough, or change color. The illness may spread to neighboring tissue or to bone.

When should I touch my health care?

Speak to your caregiver if:

  • Your finger or toe is red, painful, or bloated.
  • You have pus via the nail.
  • You`ve questions or concerns about your illness or maintenance.

Care Agreement

You`ve the right to help plan your care. Understand your wellbeing condition and how it could be treated. Discuss treatment options with your doctor care you would like to get. You also have the right. The information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Speak with your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see whether it is safe and effective .

Further advice

Always ask your healthcare provider to be sure the information displayed on these pages relates to some personal circumstances.

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